Showing posts with label Charlottetown Mall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charlottetown Mall. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Charlotte Retail Memories

A public TV retail segment featuring George Ivey of the Ivey's department Store chain. It looks at both Belk and Ivey's, Charlotte's dominant downtown retailers.

This clip features Charlotte retailers John Belk of Belk, Inc. and Leon Levine of Family Dollar Stores, Inc. There are lots of interesting clips -- a quick shot of Charlottetown Mall (and the Charlottetown Cinemas sign), the implosion of the downtown Belk store (!), early picture of the SouthPark fountain, and more.

Thanks to Pat Richardson for posting these video clips on YouTube.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

former Charlottetown Mall, Charlotte, North Carolina. Vintage postcard, circa 1960. (Pat Richardson)

former Charlottetown Mall, Charlotte, North Carolina. Vintage aerial view, circa 1960. Charlottetown Mall Cinema is at top of photo. (Pat Richardson)

former Charlottetown Mall Cinema, Charlotte, North Carolina. Exterior view just before demolition, 2006. (Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Real Estate)

former Charlottetown Mall Cinema, Charlotte, North Carolina. View of former freestanding sign just before demolition, 2006. (cantnot)

Previously on LiveMalls
former Charlottetown Mall, Charlotte, North Carolina

Monday, July 09, 2007

former Charlottetown Mall, Charlotte, North Carolina. Interior view, summer 1961. (Pat Richardson)

former Charlottetown Mall, Charlotte, North Carolina. Vintage postcard, circa 1960. (Pat Richardson)

former Charlottetown Mall, Charlotte, North Carolina. Vintage aerial view, circa 1960. Charlottetown Mall Cinema is at top of photo. (Pat Richardson)

former Charlottetown Mall Cinema, Charlotte, North Carolina. Exterior view just before demolition, 2006. (Pat Richardson)

former Charlottetown Mall Cinema, Charlotte, North Carolina. View of former freestanding sign just before demolition, 2006. (Pat Richardson)